Thursday, 1 February 2018

About this site

This blog was started on 1 February 2018. Its aim was to publish tasks designed to help school students get a better feel for algebra.
The plan was to post a new task at the beginning of a week, and then to post variations of the task during the week, together with comments and guidance. I managed to carry this through for 20 weeks, resulting in 20 lots of 5 related tasks, ie 100 tasks in all.

About a year later (June 2019), an edited version of the blog was published in the UK as an A5, spiral-bound, 129-page book by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM). It can be purchased from ATM and costs £12 for members of ATM, £16 for non-members. The book comes with a high-definition pdf file of SLIDES showing all the tasks (and other images) from the book, along with a link for downloading a set of 17 QuickTime movies that support some of the tasks.

You can read more about the book HERE.